
Have a poke around, even leave a comment if you like.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Leica M8 with Voigtlander 15mm and 21mm finder

The Voigtlander 15mm was bought to use with the  Ricoh GXR. Never really been a wide angle user but liked the idea of this one.
Due to the cropping effect that you get from non full frame sensors, if you want wide, you have to go very wide. Hence the 15mm.
I bought mine from www.robertwhite.co.uk. I went for the LTM version as it was cheaper and smaller than the M mount version. Slap on a LTM to M adapter ring and away you go. As it was going to be used on the GXR it did not matter about matching up frame lines, so you can use whatever ring you have or can get.

Well now it is being used on the M8 as well, so how does that work regards frame lines?
I'm glad you asked.
Again, doesn't really matter. The M8 does not have 15mm frame lines to bring up, so does not matter which ring you use. Also, this lens is not rangefinder coupled. Might have been nice if it was, but it isn't.
Anyway 15mm and F4.5 focus is a non issue for the vast majority of the time.

What is really nice about this lens is Voigtlander include a 21mm hotshoe finder.
15mm lens and 21mm finder "shom mishtake shirley" Not when you take into account the crop factor.

M8 crop factor 1.33.
15 x 1.33 = 19.95. 21 is close enough. You wold have to be really anal to quibble about a millimeter.

Have to say it is a lovely piece of kit. Clear  and bright. It is a nice way of working.
I appreciate some do not take to finders, but I have, especially this one.

M8 set to A, 15mm simply zone focused. You need not set anything again and shoot to yours hearts content. As point and shoot as you could hope for.

If you have been here before, usual rules of engagement apply. Images are straight out the the cam with no fiddling.

So this is what the combo looks like. (Taken with Ricoh GR)

And this is the results it produces.
For reference I was standing approx 1.5m - 2m from the cars.

If anyone does happen to read this and you have a burning need to ask a question. Feel free.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Leica M8 with Summar

Hello all.

Ever since I had the Ricoh GXR M module, always had a sneeky susspicion I would ultimateltly end up with a Leica M8. Christmas or not I found one, so had it.

As with the GXR, I now have that great combination of being able to use some great glass from the past with the convenience of today's digital bodies.

Always liked the look of the old world Leica glass. Even prefer it o the ultra sharp stuff of today.

The oldest piece of glass I own dates from around 1936 (I believe) The Leica Summar 5cm F2.
Yes it can flare, yes it has odd F numbers but so what? It's the end image that matters. With the centre weighted metering of the M8 in automatic (aperture priority) The F numbers on the lens become much less important. Small number limited depth of field, larger number big depth of field. Nothing complicated there then.

So here we are on boxing day, on a very misty, low contrast day with a low contrast lens.
What do you end up with? Low contrast images, but with a very pleasing, peacfull serenity about them.
As with the vast majority of  the images here, these are the jpegs straight out of the M8. No fiddling about.
Suspect these were shot wide open. F2.2 or F3.2 maybe. Very low light levels so auto iso probably bumped things up a notch or two.

For those that may be interested, I collapse my Summar without issue.

Anyway. These are what I came home with,

Like this one alot.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Lonesome at the the Harpa

Recently visited Iceland and the new Harpa concert hall. You could photograph this building all day. An optical assault on the senses which will be revealed in the forthcoming posts.  The light was nice so burnt some pixels whilst inside. The Sun Voyager sculpture is not far from here and will also be making an appearance shortly. If life presents the opportunity to visit Iceland. Do.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Skyscape 1

View from my front door the other day. Let the GR do its own thing, just pointed it and shot.

Avoiding the rain

All in the title; even though it was not raining.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Home from home

Could have gone in the drive by shooting category, but I was static.

Monday, 30 September 2013

State of the economy?

Seen it, liked it so shot it.
Is this a reflection on the state f the economy? The currency is next to worthless. Here, help yourself from the bin.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Ricoh GR first thoughts and observations

Hello All

When is a review a review or not a review?
Are ones thoughts and opinions written down enough to constitute a review? Even if not strictly setting out, to review.

Enough! waffle. If you want to read a review of the Ricoh GR you are probably better off elsewhere, but thanks for dropping by all the same.
If you want to see what this little cam can do, you would do well to look here. Cristian Sorega Ricoh GR.
From there I also found my way here.Wouter Brandsma
Two good sites worthy of a sit down with a coffee.

Well having stumbled upon Ricoh as a brand quiet by accident, whilst looking for things Leica. I ended up with a Ricoh GXR and A12 M Mount. This then introduced me to Ricoh compact type cameras. Obtained a GRD via the bay of E and was very pleased with that s well. As good as it is, especially black and white, time moves on and so does technology.

Which eventually brings me to the current day Ricoh GR. I bought mine; yes; with my own funds from
cliftoncameras    I am not an internet guru so do not get to play with one for free. Anyway, only had it a week and already feel money well spent.

As a heads up to any prospective buyers, bear in mind there is no charger in the box. Battery has to be charged in the cam via a usb cable. Can be bought as an accessory but kind of lets things down a bit. Not to bothered as I have one that came with the GRD so all is well.
(Charger = BJ-6 for reference)

That little irritation aside, the cam itself has grown some, mainly in the length but also in depth and to a lesser degree in height. This adds up to not fitting in the case I have for the GRD. Shame, but there you go.

However in the hand if feels right. Nicely weighted and balanced, buttons where you would expect them to be.The play button is perhaps a little small, but nothing tragic.

If you are a previous Ricoh user you will be at home with the button layout. If you also happen to be a Pentax user as well, you will see a feature borrowed from there as well. The Tav option on the mode dial, and to a lesser extent the rear mounted (multi purpose) focus button.

If you are reading this you will probably already know about the high quality lens; the big sensor they have squeezed inside and the fact the sensor has no AA (anti-aliasing) filter. Yum yum. Boy does that combo work.

As with all things Ricoh, it is the customiseability that sets it apart. The menus are simple if a bit in depth, but no matter, once you have set it up; to how YOU want it to operate, you need never go back.
As well as being able to customise just about every button, you can save your desired presets to the MY settings on the mode dial. You can save 6 presets even though there are only 3 MY on the dial.

This cam is so much faster than previous GR models when it comes to focusing and writing speeds.

As a coincidence, after playing around and finally arriving at my preferred setup, it matched Wouters
Av mode, (F4 preselected) using the Fn1 button for switching from Spot AF to Snap mode, the Fn2 button for adjusting the focal distance for the Snap mode, and the adjustment lever for rapidly changing ISO amongst other things.

I have this basic set up on all 3 MY settings, except that 1 = colour. 2 = black and white. 3 = black and white but with the rear screen set to off. This makes it very stealthy indeed.

How do you compose with the screen off? I'm glad you asked. As part of my GXR set up, I bought a Voight 15mm lens, which just happened to come with a 21mm optical viewfinder. Slipped this into the hotshoe.
Granted it is not perfect as too wide for the 28, But for speed, WOW! 
With good light, F4, Av mode, snap focus and an optical viewfinder. This becomes a supreme speed street machine.

I had forgotten just how much I missed composing by looking through a bright optical viewfinder rather than a screen at arms length. So much nicer and so so much quicker.
Really is the Mutts Nutts.

So is this a review or just the thoughts and observations of some random Ricoh GR owner?
I don't know, or for that matter really care. But it feels good to have got some things down, that others may find useful in their quest to better understand the cam.

The GR is just a tool like any other camera. But; it allows you to make it operate how YOU want it to.
Makes all the difference. 
Give 2 GRs to two users and both will set it up differently, but both will be correct.

Ricoh GXR M Mount and Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit

Out and about on this uncharachteristically beautiful late September Saturday afternoon. Originally went looking for some action on the local village cricket green. Nothing doing. So carried on and headed for Syston rugby club to see if anything was on. The above was my first shot of the day. Had a quick look at the screen and thought, this is the shot of the day for me. Stayed and watched for a while but the shot was already in the can.

Ricoh GXR with A12 M Mount and Leica 90mm Tele-Elmarit at f5.6. Zone focused. Jpeg straight out the cam no fiddling.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Ricoh GXR and Taylor and Hobson Anastigmat (Bokeh)

Bolted on another oldie worldie lens today, something from the 50s. A Taylor Hobson 50mm F2 Anastigmat.
I am surprised I have used this lens so rarely.

As usual I have not fiddled about with the images, just straight out the cam, I know I should be taken out and shot, but I happen to like shooting square and the way the GXR renders its black and white.

I have posted the one above and the one below just because I like the Bokeh. There I have said the B word. No doubt I will open up a torrent of opinion, or rather it won't as no one (bar one, top bloke) comments on here anyway. The above was F2.8 and below F4.

Having mentioned Bokeh, I offer up the following couple of images. Yes I know the petal has blown out, but might as well be honest about it than fiddling with the raw file. Might just be me, as I am looking at the original on a biggish monitor, but the Bokeh looks the  mutts nuts from here. As subjective as that is.
Took a second shot and serendipity also made an appearance.The bee came into shot and landed, after I had already committed to pushing the shutter release. Strange how these things work out. 

Monday, 26 August 2013

Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar

Using the Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar set up today. Did not set out to illustrate this particular joy of old lens meets new camera, but quite happy with results when I got home. The Summitar is one of those 'Marmite lenses' you either love it or hate it. Me, I love them both.. Just something nice about being able to use glass from the 30's onwards. I shall be breaking out the Summar as well soon.

How very rustic

Out and about in Barkby, caught my eye, liked it, shot it. Using the Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar set up today.
Question to self.
Have I really just shot a pile of shit?

Window in a window

All in the title.
Using the Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar set up today.

Lost shoes

Somewhat random, but out enjoying the late sunshine and came across a pair of neatly positioned cricket shoes. Somewhere, someone is going to open the car boot and think where the hell are my shoes?
They are on Back Lane Barkby.

Using the Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar set up today.

Unused gate

Out and about in Barkby, caught my eye liked it, shot it. Using the Ricoh GXR and Leica Summitar set up today.

Is that the time?

Out and about in Barkby on a uncharacteristically nice bank holiday Monday. Just thought it looked a nice clock.
Straight out the cam no fiddling about.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Puro path

Just passing the entrance to Puro Beach Vilamoura, Portugal and thought it looked nice . Set GXR on table exposure about a second or so.

One for the Masons

Make mine a double

Hole in one

Made me smile, one of those juxtapositions in life..


Where did it all go wrong?

Contemplating where it all went wrong? My alternative title was going to be arse's on the line.
Please feel free to leave another caption in the comments.
A virtual pint to the best suggestion.

Public transport

Skateboarding from Quataria to Vilamoura.


Bring your own shade.

Cat's Cradle

Cute pussy.