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Saturday 2 April 2016

Holy Grail

Happy new year. (only 4 months late)

Cannot believe it it is April 2016 and I last posted Dec 2015. I will have a word with myself..

However, come that mix of interests, cars and photography, I was happily, merrily going about my business when I stumbled upon the Holly grail of lightweight automotive porn. In one of my favorite photo locations. A planetary alignment of sorts. Dropped the anchors and reversed up.

Couldn't pass this buy. Jumped out and struck up a conversation with the owner. Turns out, first time he had brought it out since purchasing it.

I appreciate not every bodies cup of tea, but in my book, this is sex on wheels.

So what was it? I'm glad you asked. Could only be one thing really. Clue in the description, lightweight.

But, before we get to the pics, I have become an almost one lens photographer. I have shot primerily with the Leica 50mm 2.8 Elmar-m f2.8. Unsung hero of the Leica line up.However, I decided to change lens and strapped on the 50mm Summitar. Its bokeh is not really demonstrated in these shots but no matter. The shots were grabbbed abd the pixels burnt. As ever no fiddling about just straight off he chip warts n all.

So, with out further a due, I give you the Ariel Atom.

And my pretender inthe background.

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